Current projects.

This is what we are working on right now. You can join any project - until we have enough contributors, and then we will keep you in mind in case we need even more people.

Have a look at our exciting opportunities - here is your chance to make a difference to the world.

To register your interest for any of these projects or in general, you can either:

  • Contact us via Facebook or LinkedIn (links below).

  • Register by clicking on the button “Learn more” and fill out the short form that follows.

We will then contact you and send you full details of the project set-up. You can then decide whether and in what capacity you want to help push the boat on this particular project.

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Trust in Science.

How can trust in science be re-established despite filter bubbles and an erosion in acceptance of hierarchy and competence gained through traditional career pathways?

The recent COVID pandemic and reactions to the climate crisis in certain quarters have shown us that some people no longer trust the advice of experts. We want to understand how people really feel about the information they are getting, what they think of scientific advice, who they trust, and how trust could be built up.

  • Commercial partners:

  • Start date:

  • Deadline:

  • Target regions:

  • Type of research:

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Food for the Future.

How difficult is it to accept changing food behaviours and food types, which are opposed to your traditional cultural beliefs? How can we overcome this and teach people to eat more sustainably?

The world produces enough food to feed everyone, but in a broken system 11% of the global population still go hungry and yet 17% of food is wasted according to the UN. But do people really care? And what would it take to change the world’s attitudes to food and diet?

  • Commercial partners:

  • Start date:

  • Deadline:

  • Target regions:

  • Type of research:

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Technology and older people.

How can we make technology more accessible and inclusive for all our older generations?

We know that tech is not always accessible to older generations, whether through physical limitations or knowledge and confidence. This project will help us to understand attitudes towards tech among older people, what challenges they face, and what they want from tech.

  • Commercial partners:

  • Start date:

  • Deadline:

  • Target regions:

  • Type of research:


There will always be future projects you can join. Register your interest here for any of these projects or for future - so you know first when something new is happening.