Join something extraordinary.
We are not the next commercial research agency.
We are a global, crowd-sourced initiative. We enable people to connect and work pro bono on projects for the greater good,
across 6 continents and 24 timezones.
Find out more about us and become part of our vibrant community!
Our mission:
To Reframe research
Tackling global challenges
for the greater good
Inquiry scope and depth that cannot be justified commercially?
We seek projects that BENEFIT humanity. And experts who wish to be part of the crowdsourced solution.Be INSPIRED by the energy, creativity and curiosity of professionals from all over the world.
Do something that is not just the next tactical research project.
Let’s work together to make a positive IMPACT, through explorations that identify systemic issues. And identify solutions that are sustainable and measurable.
Do you want to be part of the COLLECTIVE SOLUTION?
Ethnography, semiotics, insight, information detective?
LEARN new skills that are hard to acquire elsewhere.MEET people from all over the world with similar interests and passions, from all professional backgrounds.
NETWORK on projects from well-known companies with a big “echo”.
And put your name on something that gives something back: CONTRIBUTE to making a positive change in the world.
Current projects you can join.
This is what we are working on right now.
Trust in Science
Some people no longer trust the advice of experts.
How people really feel about the information they are getting? And how could trust in science be built up?
Food for the Future
17% of food is wasted according to the UN.
But do people really care? And what would it take to change the world’s attitudes to food and diet?
Tech & the elderly
Innovation is not always accessible to older generations.
What are attitudes towards technology among older people? And what do they really want from it?